The 23rd Management Committee Meeting of the International Medical Device Regulators Forum

Software products in the medical device world, particularly those using Artificial Intelligence, do not always fit well in the current regulatory scheme.  In this presentation to the IMDRF management committee in Brussels, Melissa discusses her views on how change management should be considered for these types of innovative products moving forward. As products continue to evolve, so too should the …

Regulating the digital world: does it hinder or drive competitiveness?

The IMD celebrated the release of its 2022 World Digital Competitiveness Ranking by hosting the 2022 Digital Competitiveness Summit,co-organized by digitalswitzerland and the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). As part of the panel discussion on “Regulating the digital world: does it hinder or drive competitiveness?”, Melissa spoke about the challenges facing healthcare in a world concerned about data privacy. “From an ethical …